Assessment tools as a way to improve the quality of mathematical training of bachelors of universities

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The article describes the pedagogical experiment, which consists in the application of the evaluation tools developed by the authors of the Fund for mathematical analysis for bachelors of the direction 38.03.01 «Economics» and carrying out control and evaluation activities, such as control and independent work, credit and examination in the discipline, the system of accumulation of points for intermediate certification. Comparison of experimental and control groups of students, conducted on the basis of passing the test and exam showed the effectiveness of the proposed COM in the dynamics. For a more accurate analysis of the data of the results of the intermediate testing of the control and experimental groups subjected to statistical processing: for the random value of D - fraction of correctly solved tests by an individual student - built variational series, calculated the basic numerical characteristics, proved the normal distribution law using Pearson's consent criterion, calculated confidence intervals for the evaluation of the unknown mathematical expectation. The experiment allows us to state the improvement of the quality of mathematical training of bachelors of the University using the proposed evaluation tools.


Evaluation tools, competences, educational technologies, control and evaluation measures, normal distribution law

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IDR: 148314343

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