On the relevance of studying the topical unit "Art" in the senior classes of the Russian school

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The article emphasizes the need to preserve the practice of studying and its expansion within the framework of the curriculum when the students master the topical unit “art” in the senior grades of the Russian school, which will make possible a more effective and sustainable formation of sociocultural competence in the process of the students’ acquiring a foreign language, English in particular. The author of the article describes how viewing various works of art in English lessons can enhance the development of empathy, critical thinking and an understanding of the complex nature of the correlation between art, culture and society. The importance of the lexical aspect when learning a foreign language is emphasized, and examples of the most effective types of exercises for introduction into the educational process at school are given.


Art, sociocultural competence, aesthetics, critical thinking, digital media, lexical aspect

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170204971

IDR: 170204971   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-4-4-168-171

Список литературы On the relevance of studying the topical unit "Art" in the senior classes of the Russian school

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