Experience of using digital didactics in the educational space of a medical university

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The article describes the experience of using digital didactics in the educational process of Samara State Medical University. The authors reveal the concept of «learning tools», considering them as means of managing the educational process. The degree of study of the issue of digitalization and learning tools in the digital educational space is revealed. At the same time, the authors note that the identified issues are sufficiently developed, but there are gaps in the projection of the allocated training funds on the educational processes of universities, taking into account their specifics. Based on the principles of learning revealed within the framework of personality-oriented, personality-developing, personalized learning technologies, as well as focusing on the conclusions drawn within the framework of the anthropological approach, the authors prove the feasibility of using simulation technologies and educational tracks in the educational process of a medical university as digital learning tools. A brief, but rather deep retrospective analysis of the work on the topic of simulation technologies is given by the authors in the section «background». As a result, concluding that there are a number of unresolved problems related to the integrity and consistency of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the costs in the formation of competencies. The main part of the article describes the experience of using simulation technologies in the educational process of the university, as well as to assess the level of conflict between future doctors and current nurses. The reasonableness of the conclusions is given by the positive results of the study conducted by the authors on the diagnosis of anticipatory abilities, empathic skills, and the motivational sphere. The authors also note the versatility of the VR simulator and describe the practice of its use at the Samara Medical University to determine the personality characteristics of future managers (personnel reserve) in order to assist them in the future in correcting existing behaviors, not corresponding to the role of the head. The authors also note the expediency of using educational tracks in teaching as a means to develop systemic thinking and ensure the integrity of knowledge in future doctors.


Simulation technologies, educational tracks, learning tools, digital didactics, communication skills, knowledge integrity, system thinking

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148327198

IDR: 148327198   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2023-25-91-45-51

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