The organizations of process of formation of professional competences of the choreographer in the course of studying of dances of people of the world in higher education institution

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In article actual problems of vocational training of future producing choreographers of dances of people of the world are considered. In the maintenance of the subject "National and Scenic Dance" its specifics and value for effective formation of professional competence of the expert are marked out. The prospect of use of all set of opportunities of educational institution, and also additional opportunities which in modern realities are given on the basis of the cultural centers of Moscow and on the basis of use of methods of fundraising that allows to expand educational space of higher education institution and to recruit students in various projects with the purpose of studying and development of dances of people of the world are defined.


Vocational training, new standard of education, competence, subjects and their contents, "teacher-choreographer of national dance" profile, methods and receptions of the solution of problems of vocational training

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IDR: 144160492

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