The organization of active mental activity of students in geography lessons

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Non-standard educational technologies today are becoming the main means for activating students' mental activity, increasing their cognitive interest and achieving the success of each student in the process of studying geography. This article provides a rationale for the need to exercise control over the inoculation, the development of students' interest in the subject of geography. There are also well-grounded conclusions on the role of the used non-standard, active teaching methods in developing a strong interest in the subject. The short-term experimental sections carried out allow us to state and argue that the active mental activity of students can be caused by the teacher’s “provocation”: through tasks close to the hobbies and preferences of the students. Examples of lessons on the study of metallurgy in Russia are not only fascinating and interesting, but also informative and useful.


Activity, students, geography lesson, cognitive interest, metallurgy of Russia

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