Organization of medical services for trauma patients: current requirements and best practices of cooperation between traumatologists and therapists

Автор: Davlyatova S.F., Muradov M.M., Afanaseva P.S.

Журнал: Cardiometry @cardiometry

Статья в выпуске: 33, 2024 года.

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Modern requirements for the organization of medical services for traumatological patients reflect the need for effective cooperation between specialists in traumatology and therapy. It is important to note that today there are a large number of unique programs that allow for the collective work of specialists in various fields in order to organize better medical care. This article examines the unique practices of cooperation between these specialties in order to optimize the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with traumatic injuries in age. The work involves not only therapists, traumatologists, but also other specialists in related fields who can assist in the rehabilitation of the patient. The analysis of the state and problems of multidisciplinary treatment of traumatologists includes answers only from the medical staff of regional trauma centers and end-treatment centers treating seriously injured people. Special attention is paid to the coordination of efforts between doctors of various profiles, the exchange of information, the use of innovative methods and technologies. The results of the study will improve the quality of medical care for trauma patients and make a significant contribution to the development of medical practice in general. The critical importance of collaboration between traumatologists and therapists is to ensure a comprehensive approach to the treatment of patients with traumatic conditions. Research in the field of organization of medical services for traumatological patients is important for the development of modern medicine. It provides an opportunity to create new formats and programs of medical care for the rapid rehabilitation of patients. New approaches contribute to improving current medical processes and improving the quality of life of society.


Medical services, organization of cooperation, trauma patients, practitioners, traumatologists, therapists

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148330033   |   DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2024.33.4449

Список литературы Organization of medical services for trauma patients: current requirements and best practices of cooperation between traumatologists and therapists

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