Статьи журнала - Русский орнитологический журнал

Все статьи: 15585

Miliaria calandra, Saxicola torquata и Melanocorypha leucoptera в Саратовском Заволжье

Miliaria calandra, Saxicola torquata и Melanocorypha leucoptera в Саратовском Заволжье

Опарин М.Л., Опарина О.С., Вацке Х.



Motacilla flava thunbergi в Башкирии

Motacilla flava thunbergi в Башкирии

Валуев Виктор Алексеевич, Зернов Дмитрий Александрович

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On the name of a new subspecies of the Himalayan snowcock Tetraogallus himalayensis sauricus Potapov,1993

On the name of a new subspecies of the Himalayan snowcock Tetraogallus himalayensis sauricus Potapov,1993

Potapov R.L.

Статья научная

In the article, where I had described the new subspecies of Himalayan Snowcock Tetraogallus himalayensis sauricus subsp. nova (Potapov 1993), a misprint was made in the diagnosis, where this new subspecies was named as «Tetraogallus himalayensis saurensis». This name, as an obvi-ous misprint, is not valid. In accordance with the ICZN 1999 (Art. 24.2.3) as first reviser I confirm that the valid name is Tetraogallus himalayensis sauricus, the same as it was mentioned in the name of the article and in its abstract.


Phragamaticola aedon и Herbivocula schwarzi – новые для Северо-Западного Алтая птицы

Phragamaticola aedon и Herbivocula schwarzi – новые для Северо-Западного Алтая птицы

Хахлов Виталий Андреевич

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Второе издание. Первая публикация: Хахлов В.А. 1929. Новые для с.-з. Алтая птицы // Uragus 1 (9): 26-27.


Position at the migratory route as a factor controlling the duration of the directed movements in migratory birds

Position at the migratory route as a factor controlling the duration of the directed movements in migratory birds

Shumakov M.E., Vinogradova N.V., Sukhov A.V.



Professor Dimitar Nankinov celebrates his 75th anniversary in 2017

Professor Dimitar Nankinov celebrates his 75th anniversary in 2017

Nikolov Boris, Shurulinkov Peter



State of the stone curlew Burhinus oedicnemus in Bulgaria

State of the stone curlew Burhinus oedicnemus in Bulgaria

Nankinov Dimitar, Dalakchieva Svetla



Studying the behaviour of birds during the solar eclipse on August 11, 1999

Studying the behaviour of birds during the solar eclipse on August 11, 1999

Nankinov Dimitar, Dalakchieva Svetla, Nikolov Boris, Shurulinkov Petar, Popov Konstantin, Kirilov Svetlan, Zareva Katerina, Borisov Borislav, Stojanov Georgi, Nankinov Nikolai, Minchev Nikolai, Kjichukov Dinjo, Nikolov Ivailo, Stanchev Radoslav, Ganchev Evgeni



The plumage polymorphism and nomadism of pomarine skua Stercorarius pomarinus on the Yamal peninsula

The plumage polymorphism and nomadism of pomarine skua Stercorarius pomarinus on the Yamal peninsula

Ryabitsev Vadim K., Taylor Matthew



The rustic bunting Emberiza rustica on the mid-Anadyr river

The rustic bunting Emberiza rustica on the mid-Anadyr river

Kretchmar E.A.



«Барабанная дробь» белокрылого дятла Dendrocopos leucopterus

«Барабанная дробь» белокрылого дятла Dendrocopos leucopterus

Пукинский Юрий Болеславович, Пукинская Мария Витальевна, Сагитов Рустам Абдуллаевич

Краткое сообщение

Второе издание. Первая публикация: Пукинский Ю.Б., Пукинская М.В., Сагитов Р.А. 1989. «Барабанная дробь» белокрылого дятла ( Dendropocos leucopterus (Salvad.) // Фауна и экология птиц Узбекистана. Самарканд: 188-190.

