Peculiarities of formation of artistic-image presentations for students vocalists in the process of acquiring knowledge of operatic roles

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This article describes the features of the process of the formation of artistic metaphors students-vocalists in the process of acquiring knowledge of operatic roles. Author of the article indicates that at present the formation of artistic visualization is happening in the spiritual aspect of personal development, including under the influence of the national spiritual ideals that the Russian people are reflected in the concepts of Love, Kindness, Beauty, Freedom, True. In the author’s interpretation of the process of formation of art-figurative representations vocalists in the process of studying operatic roles should be considered as specially organized educational activities aimed at teaching students the basics of creative activities to build on the opera stage full and bright artistic image, with the use of special means of psycho - pedagogical impact.


Forming, process, opera, features, аrtistic-image presentations

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IDR: 144161006

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