Features of formation of professional mentality of the variable of the musician in the piano class at the university

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The article considers the main theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of formation of divergent thinking as a professional characteristics of the musician in the piano class at the University. The formation of the thinking of a musician identified as key features of his artistic method, developed ability to analyze problems in context, patterns of music and pedagogy, to evaluate from their professional positions almost any phenomenon in the sphere of its activities. Investigated the components of professional thinking of the musician at the piano, expressed the view that the content and results of the functioning of professional thinking. Based on the analysis and synthesis presented today the definitions of thinking, musical thinking, professional thinking, and the categories of variance, the author formulated and proposed for introduction in scientific-practical usage of music education the concept of variable professional thinking of the musician at the piano.


Training music teacher in high school, thinking, professional thinking, musical thinking, variable thinking professional musician at the piano

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144161054

IDR: 144161054

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