Features of environmental training of military university cadets

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The article examines the features of the environmental training of cadets of a military educational institution aimed at the formation of the environmental component of military professional competencies. The authors note a number of areas that make it possible to increase the level of environmental education and upbringing of cadets: the application of a system of educational tasks in practical classes in the discipline «Ecology» in order to form environmental skills; planning and organization of independent work of cadets in its two components: substantive and procedural and organizational and managerial. The use of an electronictextbook on ecology and technical training tools in the educational process makes it possible to activate the cognitive activity of cadets, their independence, and also ensures the relevance of educational and practical material, which qualitatively increases the level of environmental training of cadets.


Environmental training of cadets, educational tasks, environmental competencies, environmental culture, independent work, electronic textbook

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142241927

IDR: 142241927

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