Features of emotional profile and content of social fears of student youth

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The article presents the results of a study of the emotional profile and meaningful characteristics of students' fears in the learning process. Most students experience various difficulties associated with experiencing anxiety and fear. Nevertheless, it should be recognized that emotional states and, in particular, feelings of anxiety and fear by students are not often the subject of scientific research, and if they are, they are mainly used to study students' educational fears. Therefore, the study of various emotional states of students and their causes becomes an important social and psychological problem. The article analyzes social fears as a separate group in the classifications of fears of various researchers. The aim of the study was to study the dynamics of the emotional states of psychology students and the manifestations of social fears of students. The study used: the method of L.S. Hakobyan “Emotional Profile”, a questionnaire by Ch.D. Spielberger (adapted in the Russian translation by Yu.L. Khanin) to determine the self-esteem of the level of (personal) anxiety among students; “Questionnaire of the hierarchical structure of actual fears” Yu.V. Shcherbatykh and E.I. Ivleva. A high rate in the group of positive emotional states has a state of interest: in the period before the session and after the session, the rate of interest is 45.2 and 52.3, respectively, and during the session, the rate of interest drops to 9.5. The predominance of negative states is characterized by the period of the session, namely: fear and fear - 28.6; guilt and discontent - 11.9; anger, suffering and sadness - 9.5; resentment - 7.1. The leading position in the hierarchy of students' fears is occupied by fear of exams (61.3% of students from the total sample). The results can be used in the curricula of various disciplines and their psychological support, as well as to improve the funds of assessment tools and the rating system in order to prevent negative emotional states, in particular anxiety and fears. The level of personal anxiety and social fears can serve as predictors of the problematic nature of students' social relations in their future professional activities.


Students, emotional profile, social fears, anxiety

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148312954

IDR: 148312954

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