Features of training of heads of the ethnocultural centers in higher education institutions of culture and arts of Russia

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In article activities of higher education institutions of culture for formation of professionalism of future heads of the ethnocultural centers taking into account specifics of regional ethnocultural development of regions and national objectives of realization of national policy are considered. Activities of heads of the ethnocultural centers as actors of the state national policy are analyzed. On the basis of the analysis of psychology and pedagogical researches the characteristic of the concept “professionalism” is given and contents activities of higher education institutions of culture for formation of professionalism of specialists of the ethnocultural organizations in two models is shown: adaptive and professional development.


Ethnocultural development, higher education institutions of culture, professionalism, heads of the ethnocultural centers, models of formation of professionalism of experts of ethnocultural activity

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144160731

IDR: 144160731

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