Features of the implementation of the competence approach in the process of professional training of students of theatrical specialties

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The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the implementation of the competence approach in the process of professional training of graduates of theatrical specialties. Considering the indicated problem in line with the general tendencies of reforming the domestic education, the authors analyze the opportunities and positive aspects of the competence approach in this process, highlighting the specific features of training graduates of theatrical specialties as creative personalities. Professional competence of graduates of theatrical specialties is represented by the authors as a set of experience, theoretical knowledge, practical skills and professionally significant personal qualities. The authors highlight some of the problems and contradictions associated with understanding the quality of education in a creative university, with the role of the teacher as the head of the course as a representative of a particular theatrical school. The problem of value-semantic teaching, creation of educational and creative axiological environment of education with the purpose of familiarizing students with universal humanistic values, understanding of the creative synthetic content of theatrical art is grounded. It is suggested to take into account these features, reflecting the possibilities of a reasonable combination of the provisions of the competence approach and the creative nature of the educational process of the university of culture.


Competence approach, vocational training, students of theatrical specialties, creative personality, quality of education, value-semantic training

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144160684

IDR: 144160684

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