The special aspects of variative approach to the music-pedagogic training at the university

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The article accumulates the results of author''s research on the problem of variative approach to the music teacher training, working-out the educational modules and individual educational itinerary of students for the piano lessons at the university. The actuality of scientific attention to the problem of professional training variation determines the lack of methodological and methodic position to the category "variation". Variative approach to the problem of professional training of musical and musical-pedagogical training lets to project, model, organize the methodic and technical components of educational process at the university. This rises to modern demands of society, needs and interests of students, provides the high quality of training of music teachers, ready to the activity in modern market conditions.


Variative approach, training of music teachers at the university, piano class, educational module, the individual educational itinerary

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IDR: 14489879

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