Features of the representation of the emotional state of the lyrical hero: emotive nominations (based on the works of A. A. Akhmatova)

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The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of the representation of the emotional state of the lyrical hero in a poetic text. The work was carried out in the framework of the theory of linguistics of emotions, namely the emotion of the text. Emotionality in the work is understood as the ability of linguistic units to express the meaning of “social and individual emotions”. Emotional vocabulary is a designation of emotions, the basic component of the meaning of which is emotional seme, designations of emotions that call, describe or express a feeling. The relevance of the study is determined by the choice of poetic material. Poems by A.A. Akhmatova were not investigated in this vein. The methodological basis of the work was the basic principles of the theory of emotionality, according to which emotionality reflects the subjective attitude of speakers. Moreover, it is based on the conceptual signs of denotatus, acting as a stimulus for the speaker’s emotionality. This determined the use of the structural-semantic description as the main method, in the framework of which observation, analysis, comparison, classification of language means is carried out. The selection of lexical means of representing the emotional state was carried out using a continuous sampling technique. As a result of the study, the selected material revealed such functional semantic classes as the actual emotive nominatives, words representing the emotion as a dynamic process or state, and words that perform a definitive function. Feelings of love, sadness, longing are indicated by units of all three classes. Emotional vocabulary is used by the author to describe the emotional state of both the lyrical hero and to observe this state in another object. To describe the emotions and feelings of the lyrical hero and the heroes of the storylines in verses by A.A. Akhmatova mostly uses nouns, verbs and words of the category of state, while adjectives and adverbs less consistently express the emotions of the subject or persons observed by him. At the same time, adjectives and adverbs can often appear in a metaphorical sense and do not always indicate the emotional state of a lyrical hero. In general, positive emotions are inferior to negative ones in the list, but in terms of brightness, representations are in equilibrium. Ambivalence of emotions for a given poetic material is not communicatively relevant.


Text emotiology, emotive, emotive vocabulary, emotional theory, lyrical hero, emotional state, structural-semantic description, emotive nominatives

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IDR: 148315625

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