Features of the perception of contemporary art by a school teacher: assessments, judgments, level of competence

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The phenomenon of contemporary art is considered as the content basis of education. The reasons for the contradiction between the educational potential of works of contemporary art and their rare use by teachers for solving educational tasks are determined. The results of qualitative and quantitative analysis of questionnaire materials received from 227 teachers of General education organizations are presented. The article clarifies the concept of contemporary art as the art of the second half of the twentieth century and the present day, aimed at the study and interpretation of a complex, rapidly changing world using a variety of artistic and expressive means and languages, based on philosophical, psychological, socio-cultural concepts and new technologies; having the attributes of experimentation, non-canonicity, topicality, innovation, critical content. The prospects of introducing the results of the study into educational practice by increasing the level of knowledge of teachers about contemporary art are shown. The subject of the article - contemporary art as a meaningful basis for education . The main theme - to identify the possibilities of contemporary art in the education of schoolchildren . The work Purpose - to analyze the results of the survey, which allow us to judge the professional and personal position of teachers in relation to contemporary art, the level of their competence in the field of contemporary art and culture . Methodology of the work : qualitative analysis-hermeneutical and content analysis of visual material when working with works of contemporary art, interpretive and comparative analysis of respondents' assessments and judgments about contemporary art and its educational potential; quantitative method-statistical analysis of empirical data . Results: the analysis of examples of works of contemporary art used to solve educational and / or educational tasks revealed that teachers prefer to use works of art created at the end of the XX - first decades of the XXI century, continuing the classical tradition, as well as the most fashionable and relevant examples of mass culture in their work. Non-classical works of art are used by 10.6% of respondents . Scope of results is the educational space of the school and pedagogical University . Conclusions. Teachers are open to new experiences and are interested in using works of contemporary art to solve educational problems .


Contemporary art, educational potential of contemporary art, content of education, teacher of secondary school

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148314427

IDR: 148314427   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2021-23-76-57-63

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