Pedagogical conditions of interethnic interaction culture formation of technical college students

Автор: Dolinina Irina Gennadievna, Bulatova Anastasia Anatolievna

Журнал: Современная высшая школа: инновационный аспект @journal-rbiu

Рубрика: Философские проблемы образования

Статья в выпуске: 3 (33), 2016 года.

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The article deals with the relevant aspects of interethnic interaction culture formation of technical college students. The article presents the authors’ concept of «interethnic interaction culture «, «civil ethnic self-consciousness». Lists a number of circumstances of the pedagogical process, contributing to the interethnic interaction culture formation of technical college students. It highlights the actual and planned activities taking place within the walls of LF PNIPU with the aim to implement such pedagogical conditions, as the peculiarities of relationships of educational institutions, foreign language, the use of special forms and methods, which in practice contribute to the improvement of the level of interethnic interaction culture of students.


Interethnic interaction culture, interethnic interaction culture formation, civil ethnic self-consciousness, polycomponent model, pedagogical conditions, pedagogical process, intercultural communication

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IDR: 14240133

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