Pedagogical conditions of first-year students’ autonomy formation in educational process at technical university

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The problem of students' independence in the educational process is among the most relevantl to researchers in higher school pedagogics. The new generation of the standards "FGOS 3+" pushes forward the forming of the new quality of training of university graduates, conforming to work market requirements, possessing the capability of effectively apply knowledge, abilities, skills in standard and unusual situations, motivated to independently acquire new knowledge. The authors consider psychological, methodological and didactic conditions required for formation of first-year students’ autonomy in the process of studying general mathematics and science subjects. The article shows the importance of this personality trait of a future specialist in the context of competence based paradigm of modern education and reveals the reasons that explain the lack of first-year students’ autonomy. The role of the teacher of the above-mentioned disciplines in the first years of study, and multidimensionality of teaching in metasubject environment of a technical university are particularly emphasized. The control, including person-oriented, is accentuated as one of the universal means of first-year students’ autonomy formation. Conclusion. The modern teacher of a technical college, consciously and actively forming first-year students' independence, has to analyze cognitive interests and requirements, personal aspirations of each student, to think over ways of motivation of their independent activity, to develop special tasks and exercises, to expand forms and methods of consulting activity, to organize flexible, thought-over forms and control methods, to allocate time for reflexive analysis of results of independent work.


Cognitive student's autonomy, motivation of educational activity, reflection, student's creative abilities

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IDR: 148102365

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