Pedagogical conditions for improving the technique of competitive exercises in kettlebell lifting

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The subject of the article - kettlebell lifting traditionally popular, common competitive spectacle in strength and agility. Improving the technique of exercises in kettlebell lifting is a significant condition for successful competitive activity. The main theme - the output of weightlifting on the international arena, the increase in competition of highly skilled weightlifters causes the need to develop new directions and ways to improve the technique of performing jerky and shock movements, ensuring their efficiency and improvement in the space-power and space-time parameters of motor actions. The aim of the study is the theoretical and experimental substantiation of the importance of identifying pedagogical conditions affecting the use of competitive exercises in weight lifting. Tasks: 1) to Identify the main pedagogical conditions for improving the technique of lifting weights. 2) to Develop a method of improving the efficiency of the jerk and push weights and check the feasibility of its use in the pedagogical experiment. Result of work. The basic pedagogical conditions for improving the technique of competitive exercises, the implementation of which ensures the normal functioning of the physiological systems of the body, the increase in the qualitative aspects of motor activity are considered. The formation of rational breathing as one of the leading conditions contributes to the improvement of physical performance, slowing down the fatigue of the body, increasing satisfaction with classes, the growth of the technique of competitive exercises in kettlebell lifting. The consistency of the motor and respiratory rhythm ensures the efficiency of motor actions, reduces energy consumption, improves freedom and ease of movement. The stability of the body in the performance of jerk and push weights is also a prerequisite for achieving the effectiveness of competitive activity. Improving its performance requires a rational arrangement of body parts, as well as the distribution and redistribution of muscle effort. The results of the pedagogical experiment have shown the effectiveness of the developed methodology for the implementation of these pedagogical conditions. The area of application of results is the training process of qualified weightlifters. Conclusion. The consistency of the motor and respiratory rhythm provides efficiency of motor actions, reduced energy consumption, improves freedom and ease of movement. The stability of the body in the performance of jerk and push weights is also a prerequisite for achieving the effectiveness of competitive activity. Improving its performance requires a rational arrangement of body parts, as well as the distribution and redistribution of muscle effort. The results of the pedagogical experiment showed the effectiveness of the developed methodology for the implementation of these pedagogical conditions.


Dumbbell, pedagogical conditions, technical readiness, pedagogical experiment

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148312937

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