Pedagogical aspect of acquisition of the topic "Literature as an area of a philologist's professional activity" in the propaedeutic course "Introduction to humanitarian practice"

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The complete process of formation of pedagogical aspect of philological competence purposefully, in the form of stages (levels), can be presented in the following chronology: 1) threshold level (1 year) - at this stage there take place formation of professional intentions, of distant professional purpose, self-determination, formation of professional knowledge, skills, abilities, and also knowledge of communicative qualities of speech, bases of the theory of speech etiquette; 2) adaptation level (the 2nd year) - introduction into the profession, acquisition of experience of independent performance of professional activity (participation in project work), development of a complex of communicative and speech abilities allowing exchange of information between participants of the educational process; 3) competent level (the 3rd year) presupposes highly skilled performance of professional activity, ability to get one's bearings in debatable questions of modern linguistics and literary criticism, to expect changes in society, in technology and to adapt to them, creation of the programs of speech behavior necessary for successful communication in various spheres of communication, acquisition and introduction into professional activity of the latest achievements in the philological field of science and practice; 4) creative level (the 4th year) - development of professional innovations allowing to achieve better results in the profession, promotion and justification of the research ideas which are essentially changing approaches to performance of professional tasks; full professional realization, definition of your professional role (the researcher, the practician, the analyst, etc.), ability to prove your necessity in the labor market and competitive position as a job applicant, creative projection of the profession.


Professional activity of the teacher, communicative qualities of speech, projection of professional activity, creation of programs of professional communication, professional tasks, creative roles, innovations in the profession

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IDR: 148102407

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