Pedagogical experiment and the process of formation of common cultural competencies in future specialists in physical culture

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The article focuses on the forming of cultural values in future specialists in Physical Education taking into consideration the role of fitness. Recent Russian and overseas research papers have highlighted the constant growth of interest in fitness techniques as a way of maintaining one’s wellbeing. Moreover, rapid development of both market relations and fitness industry has led to new requirements for higher education in this field. The author claims that teaching future specialists in fitness and health should always follow modern trends in sport. The analysis of research papers for 2000 - 2017 as well as the study of theoretical and methodological foundation of developing cultural values in final-year students have shown the effectiveness of yoga classes within the academic curriculum. The article provides a detailed exam of papers on general policies of developing cultural values from the point of the National Educational Standards and various syllabi guidelines. The author underlines the possibility of using yoga techniques as a pedagogical model of teaching cultural norms and values. Conclusion: The author gives the analysis of educational syllabi taught in state universities with on-site facilities and equipment and private classes. It has demonstrated that due to a highly theoretical and methodological approach, the government-aided courses provide the most efficient and beneficial basis for meeting the requirements of the National Educational Standards of Physical Education and Sport. It means that graduating students will be competitive enough to demonstrate both professional skills and cultural values in any sphere of the labour market including fitness industry.


Fitness, cultural values, professional development of specialists in physical education, the national educational standards of physical education and courses syllabi

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IDR: 148312871

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