The pedagogical potential of military musical traditions in the system of military education

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This article is devoted to the use of the capabilities of the military musical traditions as an effective means of pedagogical influence on the personality with the purpose of formation of military patriotic consciousness and patriotic qualities of students. Military music tradition is considered as a component of Patriotic education, involving the development of a stable identity, historical cultural elements, embodies the aesthetics of military service, rules of conduct, moral attitudes and customs associated with the performance of military duty. Their study, propaganda, and most importantly, the continued and increasing actively contribute to the formation of the necessary value orientations, moral and ethical attitudes of future defenders of the Fatherland. Reveals the practice of patriotism based on military musical traditions for example, the organization of social and cultural activities of the Suvorov Moscow military music school. Allocated and describes the factors that influence the process of patriotic education.


Cadet education, patriotic upbringing, military rituals, military musical traditions

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