The pedagogical legacy of K.D. Ushinsky in the context of Russian culture: the experience of interdisciplinary research

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The article examines the scientific and pedagogical heritage of K. D. Ushinsky in the context of Russian culture, which produces a unique system of education. To understand the embeddedness of K. D. Ushinsky's ideas in the socio cultural context of his era, the author turns to the analysis of cultural antinomies that define national ideals of education. The scientific and pedagogical heritage of K. D. Ushinsky is considered as a cultural phenomenon new to his time, which grew up at the junction of the traditions of the Russian national school and the ideas of the Western European Enlightenment. This phenomenon corresponds to the ideology of Russian Europeanism, combining universalism and national specificity in all the variety of beta pattern configurations (K. M. Kantor) of Russian culture. The conclusion is made about the methodological productivity of K. D. Ushinsky's concept, based on the expression of antinomic socio cultural contexts of his era. Among such contexts, the author identifies the basic cultural opposition "native borrowed", detailed in the cultural oppositions "sociocentrism anthropocentrism", "naturocentrism theocentrism", etc., the most significant for determining the pedagogical ideal, each of which can be represented as a two part socio cultural unity (beta pattern). Taken together, these oppositions form a stable betapat tern configuration of Russian culture and its reproduction in the education system, which is presented in a filmed form in the legacy of K. D. Ushinsky, and which today creates the basis for determining the national specifics of Russian education.


K. d. ushinsky, history of pedagogy and education

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 144162957   |   DOI: 10.24412/1997-0803-2023-5115-132-143

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