Pedagogical interaction of participants of educational process as condition of efficiency of inclusive education
Автор: Khazova Snezhana A., Us Oksana A., Daurova Mareta R.
Журнал: Историческая и социально-образовательная мысль @hist-edu
Рубрика: Образование и педагогические науки
Статья в выпуске: 5-3 т.8, 2016 года.
Бесплатный доступ
In article problems of pedagogical interaction and forming of psychologically comfortable educational environment within implementation of tasks of inclusive education are considered. In article the leading principles of the inclusive educational environment are allocated. Authors determine a row competence-based tasks of specialists of education among which: organization of pedagogical interaction, ensuring readiness (administration, teachers, other) to creation of system of this interaction, application of managerial and psychology and pedagogical approaches and forms of organizational and pedagogical and teaching and educational activities, forming in the educational organization of psychologically comfortable environment, the organization in educational institution of independent activity, aim-oriented on ensuring effective pedagogical interaction between all subjects of educational process administrative and managerial, motivational, methodical, etc. Besides, in work the main areas of work with teachers, parents and pupils are established. And also, experience of implementation is provided to practice of work of the educational organization of the special psychology and pedagogical complex "School of Interaction" uniting administration of school, pedagogical, student's and parent collectives on the solution of tasks of the organization of effective pedagogical interaction between all subjects of education. Experimental approbation of PPK "School of Interaction" was performed based on comprehensive and correctional schools of Maikop and Krasnodar.
Inclusive formation, pedagogical interaction, educational space, subject of education, teacher who is trained parents
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 14951431