Translation of “The mask” by Robert W. Chambers into Russian: foreign language practical course

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This paper analyzes the translation of the short story called “The Mask” by Robert W. Chambers into Russian (two variants of translation are considered). The paper provides the analyses of various aspects that determine the quality of translation, particularly the ability to work with terminology, proper approach to translation of non-equivalent lexis, sensible application of lexical and grammatical transformations. The comparative analysis of the two translations of the story revealed a number of differences between them. In each of these cases the advantages and disadvantages of a particular variant of translation are considered to figure out which one of them is more adequate to the context of the story. The results of the research are used to draw a conclusion about professional knowledge and skills a translator needs to make a good translation of a literary work. The paper also points out the importance of written translation (as well as the analysis of a translation made by someone else) as some kind of students’ individual work that helps them master the foreign language they learn.


Methodology, applied translation studies, context

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IDR: 148328007   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2023-25-93-14-19

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