Translation from English: “Did the Israelites conquer Jericho? A new look at the archaeological evidence” by Bryant G. Wood

Автор: Vakulenko Nataliya Sergeyevna, Porubaev Filipp Viktorovich

Журнал: Труды и переводы @proceedings-and-translations

Рубрика: Западное богословие

Статья в выпуске: 1 (4), 2021 года.

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In his article, Bryant Wood focuses on the archaeological research of the ancient Jericho and arrives at the conclusions that do not conform with the commonly accepted view regarding the conquest of the city. The author provides the overview of the excavations of the site, which were conducted by E. Sellin, K. Watzinger, J. Garstang, K. Kenyon, as well as analyses their results, coming to the conclusion that the most well-grounded date for the destruction of the city is 1400 BC, which was earlier proposed by J. Garstang. B. Wood emphasises that this date corresponds to the biblical chronology in contrast to the most widely agreed date ca. 1550 BC proposed by K. Kenyon who believed Jericho to have been destroyed by Hyksos, not by Israelites. B. Wood also shows there is substantial correlation between the archaeological evidence and the biblical description of the destruction of the city, which quite convincingly supports for the idea that the Israelites were the ones to conquer the city at the end of the Late Bronze Age I.


Город iv

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140294149   |   DOI: 10.47132/2587-7607_2021_1_153

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