Prospects for the analytical functioning of anthropopractics in music and performance education

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He article presents the experience of analyzing and typologizing the anthropopractics of music education and upbringing. The innovative possibilities of including elements of personal modeling of the value and semantic basis of musical art in the process of preparing a musician, proceeding from the humanitarian and anthropological methodology of musical psychology, pedagogy, musicology and performing arts, are revealed. The prospects of educating analytical thinking in the process of working on a musical work are proposed based on the analysis of real events of professional musical activity, identification, comparison of the anthropological foundations of musical and performing arts and the experience of building the educational process. The prospects of correlation of current variants of analysis and interpretation of musical material reflecting different eras, styles, forms with modern research by researchers, performers, teachers, as well as traditions demanded by practice and cultural and value orientations that have proven their viability, arising in the process of working with ideal representations described in anthropopractics of figurative intonation, plastic, artistic andthe creative potential of the performing arts.


Musical performance education, anthropopractic, musical thinking

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 144162987   |   DOI: 10.24412/1997-0803-2024-1117-125-130

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