Interactive learning for guide-interpreters' training

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Subject matter of the article: means of operational competence development as the component of professional education for guide-interpreters. Subject of the article : guide-interpreters' training courses. Work objective: to study the means of educating guide-interpreters and to reveal the ones which are appropriate for operational competence development. Work strategy: review of the literature examining the pedagogical, psychological and methodical issues; content analysis of the educational programmes and professional training concepts. Performance : the article considers interactive learning as an appropriate means of guide-interpreters' training courses. The author proposes the curriculum “Samara Region: Excursion in English” intended to develop key professional competencies. Scope of the results: the curriculum “Samara Region: Excursion in English” may be used for teaching interpreters, tour-guides, and guide-interpreters. The author implements the results at the Department of Foreign Languages and Russian as a Foreign Language (Samara National Research University - Samara University) and offers to use them in other universities that have professional development programme “Translator in the sphere of professional communication”. Summary. The specific nature of guide-interpreters’ professional activities confirms that there is the need to combine the development of professional competencies with mastering professional strategies in the process of education. The author matches the guide-interpreters’ functions with the functions of interactive learning and, thus, highlights the background for revealing interactive learning as an appropriate tool for their professional development.


Guide-interpreter, operational competence, professional development, interactive learning, training courses

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IDR: 148312781

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