Preparing a teacher to perform an innovative function in the professional development system

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Modernization of the national education system is determined by new requirements for the quality of higher education. The quality of education is the aim and result of higher education institutions, and the responsibility for the quality of students’ education in academic disciplines falls on the lecturers. In the article, the pedagogical category “quality of education” is considered as an organized process of interaction between the lecturer and students, which ensures the formation of professional abilities and significant personal qualities. Training quality monitoring becomes an innovative function of a University lecturer, which involves constant monitoring and evaluation of students’ learning results in order to design an individual method of learning the discipline. The article highlights the problem of the lecturer’s readiness to conduct intramural monitoring, which is due to the need to improve the quality of students’ training in academic disciplines. It is proved that intramural monitoring of the quality of students’ training in an academic discipline involves a continuous process of monitoring the development of professionally important personal qualities of students in order to make pedagogically appropriate management decisions to correct and create favorable conditions for their professional development. The formation of lecturers’ readiness to conduct intramural monitoring of the quality of lecturers’ education should take place in the system of professional development.


Quality of education, monitoring, quality education management, intramural monitoring, innovative function of a university lecturer, the lecturer's readiness to conduct students' quality education monitoring

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148314368   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2020-22-71-42-47

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