Multicultural education of students: L. Ulitskaya's novel "Medea and her children" at literature lessons

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The modern school works on a problem of full support of personal self-determination of pupils which happens through formation of values. The most important and essential for the person is fixed in the instilling of value orientations, - his idea of meaning of life, of value of life, of links with the past of the people and responsibility for their future. The concept of multicultural education is also aimed at the problem of values instilling; the huge attention is paid to this concept today. It is most forward-looking to consider, in our opinion, multicultural education as a way of introducing to students the culture for the purpose of the subsequent integration into national and world cultural and educational space. In this connection the dialogue of cultures acquires greater value, which is organized with the help of the literature text.


Modern school, multicultural education, values orientations of pupils, literature text as dialogue of cultures

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