Political significance of managerial competence of the teaching staff in educational institution management

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Professionalism and competence of teachers have great political significance in the process of managing an educational institution. There are two tуpes of managing an educational institution: managing the process of education and managing the staff of educational establishment. Modern society constantly makes new demands to management of educational systems of various levels. All this requires from a modern education system employee absolutely different level of professional competence, including the field of management. Modern educational institution management actualizes managerial competence not only for the head of an organization, but also for the teaching staff. Today an educational institution needs the teacher who not only knows his subject well, but also knows how to manage learning and cognitive activity of students. Rise of teachers’ managerial and law competences level increases the efficiency of educational institution management in general.


Teaching staff, educational institution, competence, management, teacher-manager, head of the institution

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