Receiving soy protein product bymeans of smokeless smoking method

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The results of the research, conducted at All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Soybean (Blagoveshchensk), on improving the technology of producing soy protein product in the form of tofu using smokeless smoking method are presented. The reasonability for application of smoke flavoring preparations in protein product technology are theoretically grounded and experimentally proved. The technology for the production process of soy protein product with a smoking aroma has been developed including the following operations: washing of soybean grain, cleaning, soaking, grinding and extraction of the smoke flavoring preparation in water solution, obtaining soy milk, filtering it, coagulation, soy protein settling and pressing. In order to predict the quality of finished product, mathematical model was applied which allowed to calculate the quantity and ratio of the smoke flavoring preparation, thereby regulating both indicators of the quality of finished product (taste, smell, color) and general perception...


Soybean, soy protein product, tofu, smoke flavoring, technological process

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IDR: 140245574

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