The concept of value in the structure of artistic consciousness (analytical review)

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At the present moment there is the concept of "value consciousness" in the scientific terminology, which shows the system of value attitudes. However, the value factor is insufficiently searched in the structure of artistic consciousness in comparative analysis with the categories of ethics and morality. In the system of categories of aesthetics, which develop word picture, value of attitudes was absolutely shown in a different capacity- through the lens of philosophical category "commonality", while the categories of ethics serve as "unicity" in this context, as far as they can change their semantic meaning in the historic space of time. Artistic consciousness appeals to "commonality", values, which present humanized effect,apart from the structure of society in any historic region. We have two main subjects of research in the methodological plan: the state of the art of artistic industry and the ancient initial artifacts of art, which were the source of creation of unique event- the artistic consciousness of person. Two subjects confirm principal hypothesis about the function of art, incapacious coincide with each other: humanization of practical effect.


Category concepts of artistic consciousness, value attitudes, morality as social nature of commonality, ethics as individual, in global, artistic consciousness

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IDR: 148102457

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