“Head-dress” concept in terms of cultural linguistics

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In Russian linguistic world-image, the concept of “head-dress” presents the components of ethnocultural and linguistic Russian history, as well as the modern state of Russian national language including its territorial forms. The concept of “head-dress” is a sort of generalized comprehension in people’s minds of properties, functions, characteristics of the studied object in the process of historical development and learning the real world. The present article deals with the names of headdresses in terms of cultural linguistics. Being directly associated with folk history, everyday life and culture, this vocabulary represents a valuable source for a lingvoculturological study. Such lexical items are lingvoculturems, which dual nature allows us to consider them as language facts, as well as cultural facts.


Cultural linguistics, concept, national cultural code, head-dress, lingvoculturem, linguistic world-image

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IDR: 14489861

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