Enhancing the quality of control of learning a foreign language in distance learning mode: ways to eliminate the problem

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The article deals with the issue of improving the quality of learning a foreign language, namely the ways to eliminate the problems that occur during teaching the subject in distance learning mode. By means of the Ishikawa diagram the basic groups of factors that affect the quality of learning a foreign language specifically in distance learning mode are figured out. After that the factors that cannot be affected directly by a teacher are excluded from consideration. The remaining factors are carefully considered in order to find which one of them is the best in terms of neutralizing the stated problem. A number of modern methods of teaching foreign languages is analyzed; as the result, a range of indicative tasks for qualitative control of learning a foreign language is proposed, with basic features of distance learning taken into account. In conclusion it is pointed out that the proposed tasks can be used by the university tutors to enhance the quality of control of learning a foreign language in distance learning mode.


Ishikawa diagram, distance learning, qualitative control of knowledge, teaching methodology

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148322385

IDR: 148322385   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2021-23-78-17-22

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