Improving the quality of flour confectionery by introducing non-traditional raw materials

Автор: Efremova Elena Nikolaevna, Taranova Elena Sergeevna, Zenina Elena Anatolievna, Shagay Irina Alekseevna

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Технология продовольственных продуктов

Статья в выпуске: 2, 2022 года.

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Recently, consumers have sought to purchase products with increased nutritional value, often based on non-traditional crops. A non-traditional grain crop in our region was studied - a wild type of wheat - spelt or emmer wheat. The purpose of research: to study the effect of spelt flour on the quality of flour confectionery. Tasks: to study the production of the product “croissant”; to investigate its organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters; calculate the economic efficiency of the production of this confectionery product. Trial baking was carried out on the basis of the Volgograd State Agrarian University at the Department of Processing Technologies and Food Security. Gremme spelt flour of the 1st grade and wheat flour of the 1st grade were used. The evaluation of finished products “croissant” was carried out according to organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters in accordance with technical specifications 10.71.11-116-37676459-2017. The layered product “croissant” made from Gremme spelled flour of the 1st grade met all technical requirements for organoleptic indicators. The comparative physicochemical parameters of the control sample and with the use of Gremme spelled flour were studied. A sample of Gremme spelled flour of the 1st grade meets the specifications. The moisture content of the product is - 37.0 %, the acidity is - 2.8 °T, the content of potassium and magnesium macroelements increases as a result of the addition of spelt flour. When calculating the economic efficiency of the croissant production, the profit from the sale of the prototype amounted to more than 5 rubles/piece, the profitability of production increased by almost 3 %. The use of spelt flour in the production of croissant will lead to an increase in quality, since the flour is balanced in amino acid composition and contains dietary fiber.


Flour confectionery, spelt, croissant, organoleptic indicators, physical and chemical indicators, economic efficiency

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IDR: 140293574

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