PR-technologies for the formation and promotion of the image of media personalities

Автор: Konovalova E.E., Makusheva O.N., Muravyeva K.Yu.

Журнал: Сервис plus @servis-plus

Рубрика: Образование, воспитание и просвещение

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.18, 2024 года.

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Today, personal image is one of the main competitive advantages of a media personality striving for public fame. The article focuses on the expediency of using a wide range of communication technologies to form and promote the image of a media personality in order to increase the effectiveness of influencing all target audiences, taking into account current trends in show business. Communication with people and advertising are important communication channels, however, the expediency of using PR tools is increasingly confirmed by the possibilities of their mild prolonged action. All this determines the need for the authors of the study to continue this direction. The modern consumer actively and quickly consumes information, is receptive to innovation and is involved in a variety of consumer practices. The growth of requirements in this regard for PR technologies involves not so much ensuring interaction with various groups of consumers, including those who do not have life experience, the necessary level of critical thinking and filtering of information, easily perceiving information about media persons in the author's broadcast background, as creating a positive reaction that provides a long-lasting emotional footprint in in the consumer's mind. The article suggests and confirms the assumption that media personalities, through the use of a wide range of PR technologies, set standards for the quality of life, consumption and contribute to the formation of a system of social coordinates and broadcast attitudes, patterns of behavior, social norms and values, resulting in a prolonged nature of interaction with the target audience. As part of the study, a comprehensive analysis of PR tools and technologies used to form and promote the image of the media personality of Pavel Volya was carried out. The research tools and conclusions are based on the main provisions of the competence approach, on the analysis of query statistics in Yandex, the results of sociological surveys in VKontakte and in the context of research on the phenomenon of Pavel Volya's media personality. The practical significance of the study lies in the conclusions and proposals concerning the rise of Pavel Volya's popularity in the media space as a result of the use of certain PR tools.


Pr-инструменты формирования и продвижения имиджа медийной личности, субъект pr-технологий

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140305365   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10968347

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