The practice of applying the quest technology in a college environment when teaching linguistic disciplines

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The article dwells on the results of a pedagogical research devoted to the application of the quest technology in a college when teaching linguistic subjects. The author's believes it practical to apply the quest technology in Samara State Agricultural Academy when teaching the students Russian and Literate Speech as well as Second Language, academic writing. The author's experience at applying the quest technology proves there are two ways of applying the technology in a college environment. The article contains a plot and a lesson plan of a quest on the topic of “Functional Speech Styles”. These were applied at a round-up lesson of Russian and Literate Speech for students of the Engineering faculty. The lesson stages are also described. In the author's opinion, quests present both educational and personality-shaping value as they contribute to the integration of scientific knowledge. Expected results and conclusions. The use of a quest lesson can improve teaching process, increase its effectiveness and quality, carrying out such pedagogical purposes as: development of the trainee's person, development of thinking, development of communicative abilities, formation of abilities to make an optimal solution or to offer candidates solution in the difficult situation, development of abilities to carry out experimental and research activity, formation of informational culture, abilities to carry out information processing.


Quest, college, educational environment, research activity, teaching technology, linguistic disciplines, competence, team cooperation, communication skills

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IDR: 148314296

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