Festive world of "The naked year" (about the physiology of the Civil War)

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Researchers noted a number of times that era of social catastrophes always evoke mythological patterns in human consciousness. Their actions directly depend on the degree of shock: the more serious the destruction, the more chances of people to get into an area of effect of these particular laws. Books about the civil war are largely a reflection of the writers’ work with a plenty of almost “primitive” material. From this point of view, it would be productive to explain some confusions of the text, to identify the mythological element of national consciousness in a novel «The Naked Year» by B.A.Pilnyak, and to find out its function in the novel. The article explores the mythological elements of consciousness in the novel “The Naked Year” by B.A.Pilnyak. The existence of the structure of the festive cult in the book about the events of the Civil war is substantiated. And the place of these elements in the ideological opposition of the novel is determined. Conclusion. The mythological structure of consciousness is an important part of the main image of the revolutionary turmoil in metaphorical system of the novel. It reminds a “snowstorm”, which is not subsides and captures all the large living spaces.


Novel "the naked year" by b.a.pilnyak, mythology, carnival, festive cult as an image of the revolution, m.m.bakhtin about a revolution in a view of the new world creation, o.m.freidenberg about the semantics of the world on fire

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148102461

IDR: 148102461

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