Background and principles for the preservation of ethnic and cultural and historical heritage of the Don Cossacks in the territory of the Great Bend of the Don

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Don Cossacks played in the history of the entire Russian a significant role. Should take all possible organizational measures to preserve the remaining historical and cultural heritage and reviving the traditions of the stack strata of life, economy, faith that part of the Russian population, which we know as "the Don Cossacks", which are essentially Slavic subethnos. On the territory of historic settlements of the Don Cossacks in the villages and hamlets big bend of the Don retain a significant number of residential, public and commercial buildings, objects of sacred destination, artefacts of local people who are carriers of the ancient traditions of the ethnic groups living in the Don region from the XV century. The article analyzes the problems and methods to preserve ethnic and cultural and historical heritage of the Don Cossacks.


Preservation of the remaining historical and cultural heritage, revival of traditions of life, economy, faith, ethno-cultural museum complex

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IDR: 14489939

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