The use of carbon dioxide for cooling treatment of fish

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In recent years in our country and also abroad much attention was paid to the improvement of methods of cooling treatment of fish and various ways of its storage. Thus the attention was focused on the search of new methods and safe working bodies for application in refrigerating equipment and technology. One of such ways of cooling was the method based on the application of effect of sublimation - transition of CO2 from a firm phase in gaseous at a temperature minus 78 ο С. The princi-ple of this way of cooling consists in putting snow-like carbon dioxide on the surface of fish. For ex-pansion of a scope of carbon dioxide in industry, it is necessary to pay attention to decrease in costs of receiving carbon dioxide in a snowlike phase and to its effective use at cooling treatment of products in the contact way. For this purpose in the real work the developed technological line for cooling treat-ment of fish by carbon dioxide and results of re-search of the modes of her work were presented. In the course of work of the technological line time of cooling of the packed fish, thermolysis coefficients, carbon dioxide consumption was defined at various temperatures. The developed technological line for cooling treatment of fish with carbon dioxide has the increased productivity, provides decrease in the consumption of carbon dioxide in combination with its more effective application.


Technological line, carbon dioxide, processing of fish, temperature field, density of a thermal stream, thermolysis coefficient, isotherms, product, sublimation, cooling

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IDR: 14084980

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