"1C: Interactive map constructor" as an additional educational tool at the integrated lessons of literary geography

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The article stresses that modern geographical education should be based not only on the system of geographical knowledge, but on that of other school disciplines and knowledge, contained in literary, historical works and documentary media. The article also deals with a set of interactive maps involving automatically checked tasks, as an effective instrument both for classroom activities and individual work of students. Interactive patterns, created in this software can be effectively applied at geography, history lessons, in teaching natural and social sciences which involve map-related activities. The article is particularly focused on applying literary works at geography lessons within the frames of methadisciplinary approach.


Geographical education, geography, literary geography, cartography, interdisciplinary connections, interactive map, contour map, software, multimedia, presentation scheme

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148314328

IDR: 148314328

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