Cloudberry pomace application in meat loaves production

Автор: Rygalova Elizaveta Alexandrovna, Sharoglazova Lidia Petrovna, Velichko Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Технология продовольственных продуктов

Статья в выпуске: 3, 2022 года.

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The purpose of the study is to develop a new recipe for a boiled meat product (meat loaf) with the addition of cloudberry pomace. Objectives: to identify the compliance of the physico-chemical, organoleptic and microbiological quality indicators of the developed boiled meat product (meat loaf with the addition of cloudberry pomace) (GOST RGOST 23670-2019, TR CU 034/2013). The components of the composition of the recipes for meat loaves with the addition of cloudberry pomace corresponded to the regulatory documentation: pork - GOST 32796-2014; beef - GOST 32606-2013; cardamom - GOST 29052-91; nutmeg - GOST 29048-91; fat - GOST R 55485-2013; salt - GOST 51574-2018; sugar - GOST 33222-2015; ground black pepper - GOST 29050-91; water - SanPiN; nitrite-curing mixture - GOST R 58859-2020. The evaluation of the organoleptic characteristics of the processed samples of meat loaves with the addition of cloudberry pomace was carried out on a 10-point scale. Studies of the physicochemical parameters of meat loaf samples were carried out in accordance with GOST 9957-2015, GOST 25011-2017, GOST 23042-2015, GOST 8558.1-2015. Microbiological indicators of meat loaf samples were established in accordance with GOST 10444.15-94, GOST 26670-91, GOST 26669-85. Conducted organoleptic studies showed that the cooked meat product (meat loaf with the addition of cloudberry pomace) complied with the regulatory documentation, the resulting product samples had a pleasant aroma with a delicate smell of berry raw materials, a moderate salty taste, a beautiful pink color on the cut with interspersed lard and berry pomace. The results of the physico-chemical parameters of the processed meat product (meat loaf with the addition of cloudberry berry pomace at a dosage of 10 % of raw meat) (mass fraction: protein - 10.3 %; fat - 23.4; common salt - 1.4; sodium nitrite - 0.0024 %) correspond to GOST R23670-2019. Microbiological indicators - S. Aureus, QMAFAnM, BGKP (coliforms), salmonella, sulfite-reducing clostridia, L. monocytogenes were not found in the meat loaf sample with a dosage of cloudberry pomace of 10 %, which indicates the compliance of the developed product with TR CU 034/2013.


Meat loaf, recipe, pomace of cloudberries, quality indicators, organoleptic evaluation, physicochemical parameters, microbiological parameters

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140294656   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2022-3-190-198

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