The difficulties of the faithful poetical translation of G. Heine in the lyric poetry of M. Y. Lermontov

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In the article the attempt is made to study the topical, insufficiently researched by the modern literary criticism phenomenon of the faithful poetical translation of G.Heine in the lyric poetry of M.Y.Lermontov. The author of the work offers the interpretation of the plot and composition, image and acoustic interpretation of the famous free translations of the Russian poet of G.Heine - «In the Wild North » and «They loved each other» I.P.Voronina defines the role of the poetical heritage of the German poet in the creative evolution of M.Y.Lermontov. In this investigation some possible ways to solve the problem of transformation of the foreign poetry in the Russian national consciousness are considered.


Poetical translation, ballad poems, russian heineana, adoption of the foreign poetical worlds, lermontov's spirit, an image of the world

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