Problems of modelling professional educational activity on advanced level

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The main concepts: professional competence, social and professional mobility and competitiveness as the levels of its development are defined from positions of the system, competence-contextual approaches. The principles of modeling and the choice of the model of organization and management of educational process in the course of project are also justified: the principle of adequacy of the model to the phase of professional educational activities; the principle of taking into account the level of self-determination and forecasting of social and professional future of a student; the principle of freedom of choice of nonlinear educational professional trajectory; from the perspective of qualitative approach there is provided an assessment of the Quadriga as the technology developed on a common basis of integrative and stimulating system of assessment tools that brings the result of the evaluation of preparation for future professional practice.


Professional competence, competitiveness, social and professional mobility, initial professional adaptation, advanced level of education

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14240033   |   DOI: 10.7442/2071-9620-2016-1-75-88

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