Motivational problems of cadets in penal system universities during physical competence formation

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This article discusses current trends and prospects for the motivational formation in cadets of the penal system, contributing to the improvement of their physical fitness during the period of training in a departmental university. A study was conducted of psychological factors that play a crucial role in the educational process of cadets of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, and also analyzed the forming motivational factors that are used in practical reality of cadets of the Russian Federal Penitentiary Service. Also, in the course of this work, a survey and a static analysis of data on the motivational component that influences the process of physical formation of cadets of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia during the educational process in the discipline "physical training" were conducted.


Experiencing emotional discomfort, learning motivation, physical exercise, anxiety, schedule, stress resistance, adaptation, questioning

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IDR: 148312891

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