Problems of the organization of summer reading among the middle school students

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Way back in the 20th century (in the 90th) Russian and western sociologists noted that the crisis in reading will be persistent. Students’ involvement into reading now tends to be realized as a social nation-wide problem. The solution of this problem can be found only by carrying out a deliberate policy in the fields of culture and development of reader's activity, by mainstreaming of cultural institutions, libraries and books in the social environment. Summary: The activity students’ involvement into reading during the summer period is focused on enjoying reading, increasing reader's independence, giving readers more space for making choice, strengthening of social bondings among members of a family and increasing the level of its cultural interests. That is why we think that, for the summer period, it is necessary to provide pupils with the lists of recommended literature which, along with the program classics, offers adventure literature and fantasy, as well as books about teenagers written by Russian and foreign writers and that have artistic values which are obvious to the teacher. The main principle of selection books for this list - the high moral potential of the work.


School pedagogics, out-of-class didactics, methods of education and tuition at school, belles lettres - the cultural and moral potential of education

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