Problems of translating journalistic texts: experience of teaching non-linguistic specialties to students

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Translation is an effective tool for interaction between representatives of different cultures. Translation from English into Russian is traditionally considered simpler than translation from Russian into English. However, in the process of written translation as part of practical classes and reporting assignments for translation (workshops and practices), students of non-linguistic universities studying in various areas, make a lot of mistakes. This article is devoted to the analysis of the most common mistakes. The authors of the article give a classification of mistakes made by the students when using different electronic translation programs and applications. It helps to determine which sphere of meaning of the translation is affected by specific mistakes. Each group is distinguished on the basis of the most frequent occurrence during practical classes devoted to the translation of texts from English into Russian. It is also emphasized that the misinterpretation and use of individual words lead to translation distortion of the whole sentences and paragraphs, which, in turn, change the meaning of the whole passage or text. In the process of teaching the practical aspect of translation to students of non-linguistic majors, we noted some features associated with the use of programs that allow full-text translation of any source. It is proved that the predominant majority of such problems is due to the active use of full-text translation services, and not dictionaries. Examples of tasks for practicing translation in order to overcome such mistakes are described.


Machine translation, machine translation errors, translation, translation of pseudo-internationalisms, journalistic texts, google services,, smartcat

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IDR: 148328010   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2023-25-93-37-44

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