Problems of realization PR-technologies in the state budget professional educational institutions

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Today the educational institutions like any other business organization are forced to use all the opportunities of effective management in order for being competitive. One of the main educational institution problems is the development of their image and name, what is impossible today without knowledge of managerial leverages. PR-activity becomes an efcient instrument to image development. Issue of realization of PR-technologies in professional educational organization is considered in terms of immaturity of theoretical status, budget contrail, and lack of specialists in this eld that reduces the possibility of administrative inuence on the quality of education. Recommendations on the implementation of PR-technologies are proposed. The risks of its implementation are analyzed; the possible ways to respond to the risks by the administration of the educational institution are listed. The conclusion is drawn about the efciency and effectiveness of PR-activity of the educational organization


Pr-деятельность, pr-технологии, pr-activity, pr-technologies, the image of vocational schools, competitive educational environment, budgetary vocational educational institution, professional minds of young people, the need of the applicants

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IDR: 14240087   |   DOI: 10.7442/2071-9620-2016-8-4-90-98

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