Problems of self-organization of independent work of technical university students in the conditions of digitalization educational environment

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The subject of the article: the willingness of students to comply with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules aimed at maintaining health, working capacity during long-term continuous educational activities. The object of the article: self-organized/self-managed independent work of students of a technical university in an educational environment. The purpose of the work: to identify the attitude of students to mandatory and conscious compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules in the process of performing strenuous long-term self-organized independent educational and cognitive activity. Methodology of the work: analysis of the fundamental theoretical and methodological provisions of modern pedagogical science in the field of management and self-organization of independent work of students, aimed at developing interdisciplinary valiological modules, in order for students to master technical areas of preparation of sanitary and hygienic norms and rules, compliance with them when performing long-term continuous educational and cognitive activity. The results of the work indicate the need for students to form an engineering profile of readiness for conscious and full compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules in the implementation of educational and cognitive self-organized independent activity already in the first year. The field of application of the results is practical pedagogical activity aimed at the formation of readiness for compliance by students of a technical university with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules in the process of continuous long-term educational and cognitive self-organized independent activity. It is advisable to develop valeological modules of basic disciplines in technical areas of training based on the principles of interdisciplinarity, health care, reflexivity, regulation and feedback, effective organization of intellectual labor. Conclusion: the formation of the readiness of future technical specialists in compliance with sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules in the process of continuous long-term mental work contributes to increasing the level of valeological culture, maintaining health, productive efficiency, and preventing the development of various diseases.


Self-organized/self-managed independent work, professional training, technical specialists, health, efficiency, disease prevention

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IDR: 148324307

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